Allen Ginsberg Material Wealth CD
$ 11.99
The compact disc audio soundtrack to the book Material Wealth: Mining the Personal Archive of Allen Ginsberg published by Powerhouse Books (distributed by Simon & Schuster)
In 1994, Rhino Records released a 4-CD boxset Holy Soul Jelly Roll: Songs & Poems 1949-1993 assembled by the late great Hal Willner that gathered together an unprecedented and definitive collection of Allen’s poems and singing. Long out of print, this forthcoming single disc both draws from and adds to Ginsberg’s incredible body of recorded work. This new Material Wealth CD (an audio soundtrack to the book of the same name) will compactly explain to people, this who the heck Allen Ginsberg was!
A lifetime of Allen Ginsberg’s love, spirituality, passion, politics, culture, art in poem and song.
These classic, yet rare, and some previously unreleased poems and songs are a bible of bop prosody from one of the Holy Trinity of the Beat Generation. Featuring musical accompaniment from Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Elvin Jones, Lenny Kaye, Philip Glass, David Mansfield, David Amram, Arthur Russell and more.
Compiled and annotated by Pat Thomas - reissue producer of 2016’s 3-CD The Last Word On First Blues which gathers Allen’s 1971 to 1984 rock, blues and folk singing/songwriting and the reissue producer of the 2017 The Complete Songs Of Innocence And Experience by William Blake, tuned by Allen Ginsberg – his 1970 album of William Blake poems set to music and sung by Allen with additional recordings of the era including Buddhist mantras. Housed inside a 4-panel wallet with a 16-page booklet.
1. Hum Bom with Elvin Jones
2. Birdbrain with The Gluons
3. Howl
4. Going to San Diego with Bob Dylan, David Amram, Anne Waldman, Peter Orlovsky
5. Grey Monk words by William Blake / music by Ginsberg
6. Prayer For John Sinclair with Peter Orlovsky
7. Put Down Yr Cigarette Rag (Don’t Smoke) with Arthur Russell, Jon Sholle, David Mansfield, Steven Taylor
8. Do the Meditation Rock with Bob Dylan, Arthur Rosato, David Mansfield, Steven Taylor
9. America
10. Kaddish For Naomi Ginsberg 1894-1956
11. First Party At Ken Kesey’s With Hell’s Angels
12. Raghupati Raghava with Arthur Russell, Peter Orlovsky, Jon Sholle, Moruga
13. The Ballad Of The Skeletons with Paul McCartney, Phillip Glass, Lenny Kaye, Marc Ribot, David Mansfield
14. On Neal’s Ashes
15. Gospel Noble Truths with Peter Orlovsky, Steven Taylor, Mark Kramer